============================================= 1:将解压得到的ipc文件放于内存卡根目录下的topotek文件夹内;(内存卡只支持fat32)。将文件名修改为ipc 2:将内存卡插入吊舱; 3:上电启动,升级完成后软件会启动出图,大约20s; 4:再次启动的时候需要删除升级包; =========================================== 1. Setup a file folder "topotek" at root of TF card. and copy the IPC file to the folder "topotek" . the file name must be "ipc" . (the TF card format is FAT32) 2. Insert the TF card to Gimbal; 3. Powerup the Gimbal, it will be finished to update in 20 seconds; 4. Please to delete the IPC file after update.